Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Inquiry Potato Growing Term4

WALT explain how a plant grows. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can tell you about how my potato is growing and what it needs. 

STUDENT VOICE " My plant needs water and sun to grow". 
STUDENT VOICE " My plant is growing up over the top of the bucket. I have looked after it by watering it and putting it outside every day".

Friday, September 18, 2015

Skipping Term 3

WALT skip forwards and backwards.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can turn the rope forwards and backwards and jump.

STUDENT VOICE - "I can do lots of different  sorts of skipping".

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Technology Term 3

WALT use recyclable materials to design a toy. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I have created a toy. 

STUDENT VOICE " I made a toy from recyclable material.  I used my imagination".

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Term2 P.E.

                                            Term2 P.E.
Easy Blog Photo

Monday, July 6, 2015


WALT show the Oaklands CARE values.

SUCCESS CRITERIA - I can demonstrate Community, Active Thinking, Respect and Excellence.  

Student Voice - " I show community by being a nice friendly girl". 

Term 2 Maths - Measurement

WALT measure length.

SUCCESS CRITERIA - We can tell how longs something using centimetres.

Student Voice _ " I can use my ruler to measure how long something is". 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Term 2 Inquiry

WALT know  

· * that there are  different kinds of movement - the motion of common objects

·  * that pushes and pulls can make things start or stop moving - the effects of forces on objects
·  about the movement of different sized objects 

   * about the  ways magnets behave

Sunday, June 21, 2015

P.E. Term 2

WALT throw and catch a ball.

SUCCESS CRITERIA- We can aim at an object and we know to have our hands up ready to catch the ball.

Student Voice " I can throw a ball at something and hit it". 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Maths term 2

WALT count in 1s,2,5s,10s forwards and backwards to and from 100.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can go 1,2,3,....100  2,4,6,8,.......100 etc.

STUDENT VOICE - I can count all the way to 100 in 1s,2s,5s,10s.

Writing Term 2

WALT write a recount.  

SUCCESS CRITERIA: I have an introduction and I tell who,where,when.

We went to the Wigram Air Force on the bus. Chris talked to us about how things move and we made some helicopters.  We had a scavenger hunt and we looked all around the museum.   There are lots of aeroplanes at the museum. 

Student Voice " My recount has an introductions and it answers the  w questions. 


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Maths Term 1

Writing Term 1

WALT write a recount about something  that has already happened.

SUCCESS CRITERIA – we will have a capital at the start of each sentence and a fullstop at the end.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Term 1 Reading

WALT use our reading skills to play a literacy game.
SUCCESS CRITERIA; we can read the rules for a literacy game.

Student Voice " we can follow the rules because we can read them".

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Term 1 Physical Education - Swimming

WALT swim freestyle.

Success Criteria - We can use our arms to swim along.
Student Voice - I can use my arms and legs to move through the water.

Art Term 1 2015

WALT draw a self portrait.

SUCCESS CRITERIA The portrait will have  facial features  included, drawn in proportion and correctly placed.

Student Voice - ' I know where to place the facial features".